Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Day 128.......

Things are good. Things are very good.
There's 128 days to go and I'm beginning to get organised.
By the time the magic day rolls around I want to have achieved 3 main things

1. All work is completed and contigency plans are in place while I'm on the coast

2. I manage to hit 90% fitness.
This is broken down into;
swimming 1.5 km twice a week
mad dog run tice a week
Yoga 3 times a week
riding 20km twice a week
I aim to be down to 81.5 kg and should be able to paddle across the lake twice without rest.

3. Reach financial stability.
All debts paid off and have the available funds to complete this trip.......without resorting to the credit card.

At the moment the mad dog run is stopping 5 times (after each hill and rest one hill climb) in 31 minutes.
Swimming 500M in 100, rest, 100 rest, 50 sprint, 50 slow, rest, 100 slow,rest, 50 sprint, 50 slow, finish.

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