Saturday, June 07, 2008

Team Justin

It's been about 8 months since Team Justin was together in force, and after the quick catch up in Amsterdam the team is hoping it's going to be another 8 months before we catch up again.

20 hours that we did catch were put to good use, to say the least, and more then made up for 8 months of missed chats over a pint.

It is said that you should always do things in moderation, and I've found that there are binge "Team Justin" sessions which would leave a lesser man in search of bridge to hurl themselves from, tram to jump in front of, or crazy amsterdam bicyclist to be run down by.

Thankfully, what goes on tour............ well you know the rules.

All in all, Amsterdam is a fantastic place. And if I didn't accidently book my return flight for August, have to rebook another flight for today and have to pay for my train ticket to the airport twice, the 2 days I was here were an absolute pleasure.

Thank you Justin, thank you Amsterdam, I thank you to ensure that the two never have to meet again.

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